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Feeding Your Feline Friend: A Comprehensive Guide to Cat Nutrition

Proper nutrition is key to the health and longevity of cats. To ensure your furry friend receives all the necessary nutrients, it's important to know how much and exactly what you can feed your cat. This article will discuss the basic principles of feline nutrition, including recommendations on the amount of food and safe products. Determining

Can Cats Catch Colds, and How?

Although cats are unique, independent creatures, they aren't immune to getting sick. Cats can catch colds, but not from humans or dogs. They have their feline version of the "cold" infection, which different viruses cause. In rare situations, they can also come down with the flu or pneumonia. Below, I'll share some causes and symptoms of feline

What Does Catnip Do to Cats?

When your cat gets catnip she may act as though she’s FELINE fine, but catnip isn’t well-suited to every kitty. If you're a cat lover you've most likely heard of, or even witnessed, cats on catnip. Cartoons, movies, and commercials show cats with huge eyes, scruffy tails, and wild antics while they play with toys infused with catnip. With so many…