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Exotic animals

Should You Keep Sugar Glider as a Pet?

Sugar gliders are popular exotic pets, as they're small, cute, and unique little marsupials that are native to Australia and parts of Indonesia. Their bodies are similar to squirrels with gray fur and black markings. They also have a gliding membrane—a thin, skin-like structure that extends from the front to back limbs on each side, almost like…

Should You Keep a Capybara as a Pet?

Capybaras are affectionately called giant guinea pigs, but they are not as simple to care for as their smaller cousins. Smart, sociable animals, capybaras are the largest rodents in the world, weighing up to 170 pounds. They are relatively pleasant household pets that fare best in pairs or groups, so you must get more than one. Since they are so…

What Is an Exotic Pet?

What is considered to be an exotic pet depends on context, but it is largely agreed upon that anything other than a domestic animal can be considered exotic. Different companies, people, state governments, and associations may all define what an exotic pet is slightly differently than one another. To some, a pet goat or a ferret is exotic but to…