Exotic animals Should You Keep Sugar Glider as a Pet? Sugar gliders are popular exotic pets, as they're small, cute, and unique little marsupials that are native to…
Exotic animals Should You Keep a Capybara as a Pet? Capybaras are affectionately called giant guinea pigs, but they are not as simple to care for as their smaller…
Exotic animals What Is an Exotic Pet? What is considered to be an exotic pet depends on context, but it is largely agreed upon that anything other than a…
Birds Engaging Pet Birds: Toys & Behavioral Enrichment Guide Introduction: Understanding Your Avian Companions Pet birds, including parrots, cockatiels, and macaws, are…
Birds Cage-Free Birdkeeping: The Ultimate Guide The desire for a pet bird to soar through the skies, free from the confines of a cage, is a dream many bird owners…
Traveling with pets A Guide to Flying With Your Cat on a Plane Though your feline might not love the experience, you can make their first airplane ride as cozy as possible with…
Dogs 12 Best Dog Breeds for Every Type of Household Home owner or apartment-dweller? Family or single? Active or couch potato? Don't just look for a dog, look for the…
Dogs Dog Breeds That Don’t Shed: 20 Pups to Meet Your Fur-Free Needs While you might love a dog's snuggles, playfulness, and loyalty, it's natural to be less enamored with fur all…